Executive Focus

Build the leader. Impact the team. Drive results.

Business Challenge:

In working with your executive team to hone their leadership practices, you place both critical and strategic focus on a key element in maximizing overall business success. Leadership practices impact organizational climate – what it feels like to work in your business. In turn, organizational climate impacts the motivation of your employees – a primary determinant in realizing extraordinary business results.

Executive Focus™ – Leadership Development:

A comprehensive leadership framework that helps your senior executives achieve FOCUS, URGENCY, STRATEGY, and ACCOUNTABILITY. Through confidential "one-on-one" coaching sessions, on-site observation, and the use of specific leadership tools, your executives will maximize their individual potential in ways that improve both business performance and their own professional leadership skill.

Key Content:

Executive Focus is a leadership framework that in its entirety includes the following components:

  • Leadership Assessment. Gather comparative data on your executive’s leadership approach from key constituencies.

  • Leadership Perspective. Review with the executive their individual leadership assessment within the context of both business and personal goals. Establish a candid data-driven assessment on overall leadership strengths and areas for improvement.

  • Business Linkage. Establish a clear and specific plan for personal improvement, linked directly to leadership practices and the success of your business.

  • Implementation/Coaching. Work collaboratively with your executive – building their leadership and operating skills – to deliver against their individual improvement plan. Provide specific tools to capitalize on strengths, develop improvement areas, and link growth in leadership practices directly to the success of your business.

  • Measure Success. Conduct a follow-up review with key constituencies to gauge your executive’s progress against their improvement plan objectives.

Target Audience:

Executive Focus is for senior executives and mid-level managers responsible for developing and executing your organization’s business strategy.

“I found Mary Anne to be an invaluable coach and leader in a high-impact and high cost leadership setting.
I was and remain impressed with her organizational discipline and professional skill-set.

Chief Executive Officer
Medical Technology

“Based on the 18-year professional relationship I have had with her I can say without qualification that Mary Anne is one of my trusted advisors and partners as my career has progressed and my business challenges have grown more complex.

I have maintained my professional relationship with Mary Anne because she emphasizes trust, commitment, honesty, and integrity in business interactions. These qualities have manifest themselves in all kinds of interactions with me – including those where she had the courage and integrity to provide me with some tough feedback (and in some case I to her). Thus, beyond a professional competency that produces results, my experience working with her has been amplified and reinforced based on her personal style and approach to the relationship”.

Executive Director, Global Brand Leader
Major Pharmaceutical


By participating in the Executive Focus leadership framework, your executives achieve the following:

  • Focus: a clear understanding of their individual leadership strengths, improvement areas, and importantly – how they impact business results

  • Urgency: a desire to build their personal leadership capability

  • Strategy: targeted personal leadership initiatives that link to both business and personal goals

  • Accountability: a clear understanding of the what, when, and how of their individualized development plan; resulting in business, professional, and personal leadership growth

View over businesslady shoulder seated at workplace desk look at computer screen where collage of many diverse people involved at video conference negotiations activity, modern app tech usage concept

Contact us to learn more about Executive Focus™

“I have to tell you that I am so grateful for all that you’ve taught me and helped me learn on my own. Before we worked together I never thought I could be on an executive team. Now, I’m an integral part of an executive team. I’ve changed a lot (and stayed the same in the good ways, as well). Thank you."

Director of Manufacturing, Global Pharmaceutical during this work.
Currently Senior Vice President, Global Manufacturing Operations, Biotechnology

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